“As a perpetual student of yoga, I’ve been lucky to participate in a few of Wendy’s Sutras workshops to deepen my practice. Wendy’s combination of sincerity and humor set just the right tone for research and dialogue, and her embodied understanding of the Sutras is inspiring. In her mini-trainings, Wendy provides a clear contemporary context as a launching pad for further self exploration and study. I’m looking forward to her next workshop!”
Wendy spent many years in one-on-one study of the Yoga Sutras with her teacher Alan Finger during the writing of the book Tantra of the Yoga Sutras. This transformational experience was the basis of her initiation as a yoga master (Yogiraj) in the ISHTA Yoga lineage. Wendy is passionate about sharing her creative integration of the wisdom she was taught during this process, and has spent many years developing this body of work with students. It has become a cornerstone of the world-class ISHTA Yoga teacher training, and has blossomed into a multi-faceted program of workshops and trainings that integrate her knowledge of meditation, energy work, reflective listening, and a deep understanding of the philosophy and practice described in the Sutras. Her teaching style is thought-provoking and experiential, and she is committed to making this wisdom accessible to seekers and practitioners of yoga and related modalities. Get in touch to see how you can work with Wendy to bring a fresh new perspective on the wisdom of yoga to your community.
Wendy offers an introductory workshop that can be presented in schools, studios, or other communities seeking to include yoga philosophy in their offerings. This workshop is contemporary, relatable and scalable. The Intro can be included as part of a teacher training or offered as a public workshop to engage students in deepening their awareness of what yoga is all about. Using Tantra of the Yoga Sutras as a reference point, the workshop focuses on how the cyclic structure of the four padas serves as a road map of perennial philosophy and offers people a new way to engage in yogic self study. Dipping into excerpts from the book, the workshop then touches on a few of yoga’s most foundational concepts, such as the eight limbs. Wendy asks students to consider engagement in a sacred discussion circle as part of yoga practice and to deepen their connection with the material via short meditations and other experiential learning. Connect with Wendy to learn more!
Wendy’s topical workshops take yoga practitioners, teachers, and wisdom seekers of any lineage deeper into the heart of these teachings. Wendy brings alive some of the Sutras’ most relevant topics and inspires learning using some of the very tools presented in this ancient work of spiritual and psychological practice. Students are engaged through sacred circle discussion, close textual reading, short meditations, writing exercises, and partner work. Past workshops have included topics such as The Four Keys: Navigating Reactions in Relationship; The Yamas and Niyamas: Working with Mental and Emotional Patterns; and Avidya and Viveka: Our Blindspots Are Part of the Evolutionary Process. Check out the Events page or get in touch for more information.
Wendy’s popular Embodied Yoga Sutras 20 hour training is a deep immersion in the wisdom of the Sutras. The four padas are discussed as a roadmap of ancient perennial wisdom, and each pada is considered in detail to allow students to start to gain mastery of the teachings. This training engages Wendy’s skill at holding space for true experiential learning. Students are encouraged to investigate their own relationship with the material through close readings, partner work, writing exercises, sacred circle discussion, and meditation practices. The training can be offered as a four day immersion (typically four five-hour days); as a weekend program; or as a series of four five-hour classes presented one-at-a-time, weekly or monthly. This training is ideal as a retreat offering, especially in tandem with a range of healing modalities including bodywork, asana, or food-based self-care. Learn how you can collaborate with Wendy on bringing this training to your community!